
Friday, April 29, 2011

A Few Projects

I may or may not have a million projects that need finishing and/or starting. They are taking up my garage, my basement, the kitchen and that huge amount of space between my ears. Someone come dig me out...
1. Build a bed frame for my daughter's room. I just bought the lumber for this GIGANTIC project that is bigger than me. The skill level for this undertaking is way bigger than I have the brains for. I'm not sure why I chose to do this, other than, I wanted a challenge. And it WILL be a challenge...
2. Finish the board & batten in my living room. I've had it half painted for months, yes you read that right- half painted. That is so ghetto. But I'm beyond ready to have everyone who enters our home to not stare at this hideous wall (which I will post pics of when I do this particular project.) *SIGH* I just committed to showing you this ridiculous sight.
3. Obviously my daughter is remodeling her room and obviously I've promised to do the furniture part. I am painting an old dresser for her. This project will take place in the garage when the weather changes. At this point I'm thinking--- NEVER.
4. My kitchen. The whole entire thing. Like the dining area AND the kitchen part. I dislike, almost HATE, kitchens! But I think I could like mine IF (that is a big if) it was cute and repainted and was bright and yellow with some fun gray accents and...
5. A whole bunch of vinyl to stick on the wall. In the past several months I have purchased too much vinyl. Yes, I bought pre-cut vinyl shapes and yes I have a Cricut and too much vinyl. Don't ask!
And many more...
I will finish these projects, I WILL! And I will blog about them.

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